Scaling Facebook App Install Campaign While Maintaining CPA (1M Spend)

Problem Statement

  • To scale up the campaign
  • Maintain Target CPA in the target region

Lifetime Performance Mobile App Install FB

Identifying App Events

To measure user engagement, it was important to log all the events at the right time. We relied heavily on Facebook SDK implementation in order to log the data correctly in Facebook Analytics and on the ads manager. Facebook offers a lot of standard events that can be implemented straight away. For the healthcare app, we only needed a few standard events and one of the important ones of those was the “Achievement Unlocked” event.

Identifying the Target Audience

This was one of the trickiest parts of the overall strategy. Here are some of the target audience targeting that formed the base of the AdSet level targeting:

  • Metro cities audience
  • The audience located within the perimeter of the big medical institutes
  • Audience based on different ailment-level interests

Phase 1 – Branding

Campaign Structuring

Since the budget allocation was different for different regions and that needed to be spent, we had to create several campaigns targeting multiple localized regions within a metro city based on different audiences. We also wanted to have control over the budget spend across different AdSets within a campaign based on the LTV, revenue, funnel etc, we decided to take the manual route.

Below you can see multiple AdSets that were created within a campaign. The campaign performance was optimized based on different AdSets performance.Video campaign Adsets

Ad Creatives Split testing

For brand awareness, we initially tested different kinds of ad creatives and tested their performance initially with no audience targeting at all. Some of the tested ad creatives were:

  • Carousel cards highlight medical benefits, ease of use, emotional touch, partnership, availability, etc.
  • Strong video message with an emotional touch

We accelerated the campaigns and soon after the split testing results, we decided to go ahead with the video ads with strong emotional messages. This decision was also taken because the cost per thru play was very low compared to landing page views or link clicks or brand awareness phase.


We even added a sense of gamification for the audience who watched the first emotional video more than 50% to take a step, download the app, and unlock a free service such as a free dental checkup, free body checkup, no registration fee, etc. This drove a lot of engagement into the app.

Budget allocation

Initially, we had allocated 20% of the budget for the brand’s app awareness, however, looking at the app engagement and ad engagement, we decided to reduce the budget allocation from 20% to around 10-12%.

Videoviews campaigns

Phase 2 – App Installs

Campaign Structuring

We maintained a similar kind of campaign/ AdSets structuring for the same budget allocation reason. Also, we relied heavily on three types of audience and juggling among those audiences to maintain the cost per install.

  • Retargeting video views Audience
  • Targeting based on Certain interests and,
  • Lookalike audience

Below you can see multiple AdSets that were created within a campaign. The campaign performance was optimized based on different AdSets performance.

Campaign Ad Structure for conversion

Case Study Outcome

  • Amount Spent: ~ 936,594
  • App Installs:  ~13,178
  • Total Mobile Sessions: ~ 1,085,039
  • Average App Sessions / User: ~82

Mobile App Install Case Studies

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