Guide on Setting up Quora Pixel, Standard Event & Custom Conversion Tracking Code Using GTM

With Google Tag manager in place, it has become easier to put any kind of tracking pixels on any website than ever. You do not have to go into the website backend rather use GTM to edit all kinds of codes at a single place. Here is how you can use GTM to install Quora Base and conversion code pixels on the website.

Installing Quora Base Pixel using GTM

Base pixel is like a global site tag from Google which helps running other special scripts. In the Google ads scenario, some of the special scripts could be remarketing tag, conversion tag etc. Similarly, Quora base pixel is responsible for firing other special pixels such as conversion pixel.

1. Select Custom HTML in GTM tags to install Quora Base Pixel

Go to GTM, create a new tag and select custom HTML under tag configuration.

Quora Base Pixel, select custom HTML in GTM tags

Quora Base Pixel, select custom HTML in GTM tags

2. Copy Quora base pixel from the Quora ads platform

Go to the Quora ads manager. Click on Setup pixel under pixel Setup. Copy the Javascript code.

Quora Base Pixel Code

Quora Base Pixel Code

3. Paste Quora base code on GTM

Once you have code copied, paste the code in step 1. and select the trigger as “All Pages” page view. “All Pages” page view, you will by default.

Quora Base Pixel in GTM

Installing Quora Standard Event Conversion Pixel using GTM

Copy Quora Standard conversion code

Go back to the Quora ads manager and click on continue. You will reach step 2. In step 2, you will be given many conversion events option by Quora. These events are standard events just like Facebook has other standard events.

Quora events conversion code

Quora is adding more standard conversion events but currently, they are:

  • Generic
  • Purchase
  • Generation lead
  • Complete registration
  • Add payment info
  • add to cart
  • Add to wishlist
  • Initiate checkout
  • Search

You can select any Standard conversion event that suits your purpose. Once you select the conversion event, you will have two options on installing the conversion code. One is Page load events and other is inline action events.

Quora Event code

If you have a dedicated thank you page then you can choose the option A. Otherwise, if you are tracking your conversion on some button clicks then you should go for the option B.

5. Install conversion code on GTM

Go to GTM and create another tag for the Quora conversion pixel. Select the same option as step 1. and paste the conversion code here. However, you also need to fire the base pixel code first before the conversion code which is shown in the picture below.

Quora Conversion code in GTM

Quora Conversion code in GTM

Besides, you need to have a special trigger firing on specific pages or events as per the conversion you have chosen. For me, the conversion is being tracked on a dedicated thank you page. So, I place the final conversion code on the thank you page.

Setup Quora Custom Conversions

Once you have set up the Standard conversion pixel as described above, you can also proceed to set up the custom conversions for your some of the particular events. Here, the custom conversion is same as of the LinkedIn. Anyways.

  • To create custom conversions, go to Pixels & conversion tab on Quora
  • Click on the “Create Conversion” button on the right.

Create Custom Conversion in Quora

  • Once you click on the “Create Conversion” button, you will see a popup to create a custom conversion.
  • The pop has the following self-intuitive fields
    • Name
    • Description
    • Custom conversion category (predefined by Quora using a drop-down list you have to chose from)
    • URL events (Something like LinkedIn in where you have to put the conversion final URL). The pop looks like this:

Create Custom Conversion Quora

Note about Custom conversions on Quora

  • You can modify a custom conversion if you have selected the category as Generic.
  • For any Custom conversion or custom event whose category is other than generic such as purchase, Add to cart or singup, Quora treats them as standard or specific events and you cannot modify or edit a standard in Quora.
  • Also, note that the first generic event created will be a standard event which also cannot be modified. The image below will give you a better idea

Modifying Pixels and conversions in Quora

  • In the above image, I could select and modify the custom conversion. If you try to modify a standard event, you get a message which says “Standard events cannot be edited or deleted”

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